English: The Railway Children

We read ‘The Railway Children’ in  class and wrote reports on the book.

          Book report by J. H.

Title: The Railway Children

Author: E.Nesbit

Main characters: Bobby, Phyllis, Peter

 a Gentleman, Father and Mother

Plot: Three children and their mother get sent away to a new home because their father gets sent away. They are sad at the beginning of their new life, but they make a new friend along the way.

Favourite part: When father gets home safely, as they were miserable without him

Worst part: When Bobby finds out why her dad was taken away.

 Age it would be most suitable for:  For all ages.

 What I thought of the book: It was one of the best books ever!

 Rating of ten: I give it eight and a half out of ten

Book Report by: A.F 

Author: E. Nesbit

Main Characters in the story: Bobby, Phyllis, Peter, Mother, Father, an old gentleman and Mr. Perks.

Plot: Three children are moving house because their dad is sent away.

Favourite Part: My favourite part is when Father returned because the children were so miserable with out him.

Worst Part: The worst part in the story is when Father was taken away because

they had to move to a cold house.

Age it would be most suitable for: All ages

What I thought of the book: I thought it was a good book.

Rating out of 10: 8 out of 10

Book Report by A.G.

Title: The Railway Children

Author: E. Nesbit

Main characters in the story: Bobby, Phyllis, Peter, Mother, Father, an old gentleman, Mr Perks

Plot: The story is about three children and their mother who move to a different house. They were so rich but now they are poor. However they have many adventures along the way as they make friends with an old gentleman.

Favourite part: My favourite part is where the children meet their daddy.

Worst part: When Peter stole the coal.

Age it would be most suitable for: I think it’s suitable for every age.

What I thought of the book: I didn’t really like the story as I thought it was boring.

Rating out of 10:  1/10

                                                              Book Report by J.C.        

Title: The Railway Children

Author:  E.Nesbit

Main characters in the story: Bobby, Phyllis, Peter, Mother, Father, Mr.Perks, an old gentleman

Plot: Three children and their mother have to move house as their father goes away. The children make a new friend who travels on the train near their new home.

My favourite part: When father comes home.

My worst part: When father moves away.

Age it would be most suitable for: all ages.

What I thought of the book:  It was a very good book.

Rating out of 10: 10/10


Book Report by H.OC.

Title: The railway children 

Author: E. Nesbit                                                                   

Main characters in the story : Phyllis,  Peter, Bobby, Mother, Father,  an old gentleman,  Mr. Perks.                                                                                   

Plot; It is about a family who has to move away because their father has moved away. Their new house is beside a train station.                                                                                                                   Favourite Best part: When their father came home safely because they were miserable and lonely without him.                                                                                                       Worst part: When Peter stole the coal just to help his mother keep warm.

Age it would be  most suitable for: all ages                                                                             

What I thought of the book:  Very interesting because there were lots of adventures.                                                                                                                                                                                          

Rating out of 10: 10/10        

Book Report by J. O.

Title: The Railway Children

Author: E. Nesbit

Main characters in the story: Bobby, Phyllis, Peter, mother, father, an old gentleman and Mr Perks.

Plot: The story was about three children who had to move house because their dad was sent away. 

Favourite part: when Peter stole the coal because his mammy was sick and he got into big trouble.

Worst part: When the children had to move house and didn’t like their new house.

Age it would be suitable for:  Every age because it is a very nice story

What I thought of the book: I thought it was fantastic!!

Rating out of ten: 10 out of 10!!

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