Scoil Bhride Naofa is situated on Grey Abbey Road approx. 1km from Kildare railway station. We have approx. 550 pupils with a staff of 32.
The school was founded by the Presentation Sisters and the ethos of their founder Nano Nagle is still very much in evidence in the school today. In 2010 the school celebrated 180 years of the Presentation Sisters involvement in education in the town.
Over the years the school has been involved in various projects. We were the first school in County Kildare to get the prestigious Green Schools flag and we are currently working towards our 6th flag. Each year we take part in the Awards of Science and Maths Excellence as well as Xperience Engineering and our Science Night is held annually. Our senior pupils are involved in the ‘Challenge to Change Programme’. Art, Music and sport are promoted widely within our school.
Our involvement with the Keep on Track programme is our latest endevour and we look forward to the challenge.
Our school website: