The New York Subway
The number of stations on the New York Subway 468
The daily ridership on the New York Subway is 4,328,401 [average]
The first section of Subway began on the 27th of October, 1904
A demonstration for an underground transit system in New York City was first built by Alfred Fly in 1869.The first underground line of the Subway opened on the 27th of October, 1904, almost 35 years after the opening of the first elevated line in NYC.
Train Accidents
55 Train accidents have been recorded since 1918.The deadliest accident, the Malbone Street Wreck, happened 1st of November 1918 beneath the intersection of Flatbush Avenue, Ocean Avenue and Malbone street near the Prospect Park Station of the then BRT Brighton light in Brooklyn killing 93 people.
The Subway carries up to 1.5 billion passengers a year crime has rapidly decreased over the years, with a drop starting in the 90’s and continuing today.
After The September 11 Attacks in New York The Subway Company was very wary of anyone taking photographs or recording videos inside the system and proposed banning all forms of photography, but this was rejected. The current policy is that you can operate photography or video recording device as long as that you don’t seem suspicious.