- The over head lines bring the signals
- Over head lines also bring electricity to the dart
- Enterprise trains are diesel trains.
- When it travels from Dublin to Belfast it uses 1000 litres of diesel.
- The enterprise can go 140 km per hour and the dart 70 km per hour.
- It takes a train a mile and a quarter to stop when travelling at full speed.
- Its take 1 hour to put down a signal hole
- You must train 48 weeks to become a train driver.
- It takes one week to lay down 1 kilometre of a track.
- Diggers working on the railway have 2 sets of wheels. Wheels for the tracks and the roads.
- 100, 000 euro digger was broken by teenagers and was unable to be repaired.
- You must have safety gear to work on the tracks- boots, orange jacket, helmet, torch, safety pass, PTS card.
- At present there is a 700 million euro project for new signals and points.
- 300 euro fine if caught on a track
- Iarnróid Éireann spends 5 million a year on health and safety.
- On the side of track there are emergency phones for the train drivers at every signal and a signal is every mile.
- Axles on the track count the boogies on the track. This for safety so to know when the next train can come along.
- Drug and Drink testing for all staff.
- HT25 stands for Howth
- People work on the tracks from 1 on because trains are not running
- Everyman has to be off the track by 4.50 as trains start.
- You can not stand closer than 2m to the train as its suction power will pull you in.
- The weight of the train keeps it on the track.
- There is a steep hole under older bridges so newer trains can go under.
- A lot of illegal dumping around the tracks. They are building high fences to stop this.
- If working at the side of the track you must stop working and acknowledge the driver and step in.
- If fixing the track the electricity must be cut off.
- The ladders are locked so signals cannot be vandalised.
- A French company runs the Luas .
- During the snow trains work well because the force of the trains pushes the snow off the tracks.
- The sleepers are now made from cement rather than timber.
- People vandalise the tracks and signals with spray paint.