Paul who works withthe LUAS came to our school and taught us a lot about the structures used by the LUAS. It was really interesting and we even got to hold a piece of the track. Thanks Paul!
What did we learn?
– To build a track of ten kilometres it takes up five years.
– There are six countries that have the Luas they are Australia, England, Ireland, America, Brazil and France.
– Professor Simon Barry brought the up the idea to bring the Luas to Ireland.
– To be an engineer on the Luas you have to go to college for four years.
– The top speed of the Luas is 70mph
– .A full carriage can hold 350 passengers.
– The Luas weighs 1 and ½ tones.
– Architect planners and designers work with the Luas.
– On the Luas there are two control rooms one at the back and front so if it’s going back to a new stop or to the very first stop.
– It costs around 297 million euro to build the tracks of a bridge for the Luas.
– 340 electricity bolts are used to power the Luas . The initials R.P.A stand for the Railway Procurement Agency that runs the Luas.
– There are five gears on the Luas .
– Luas is the Irish word for speed.
– The Luas carries 19 million passengers a year.
By Gummybear