The Runner is a novel by Keith Gray. We are reading it in 2nd class. Jospehine Vahey from Galway Schools Library has lent us copies of the book. We read it in class.
We started it today (21/03/2011). It is all about a boy called Jason who runs away to Liverpool to his brother. So far we are up to page 16.
WEDNESDAY 23/03/2011
Today we made a podcast on a book called the Runner. It was fun. We all read different bits. Our team name was DOK which are the initials of our team. We podcast on the the computer and then after we got to listen to it. There was another second class team called CAS. They did theirs a lot differently from ours but both teams were doing the same chapter. After they did theirs. We got to listen to it too!!! They are brilliant, don’t you agree?!
By Lightning Star 2nd Class
Chapter 1:
The Runner by Keith Grey and illustrated by Jessica Meserve. In the book there is a boy called Jason. He is 12 years old. He is shy & very brave. The story is about Jason running away to live with his older brother Michael who lives in Liverpool. Jason seems to be a nice boy but we are only on the second chapter. The first chapter is called The Monster Intercity. BY LIGHTNING STAR
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapters 4 and 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8: